This privacy policy sets out how Perimeter Controls Limited uses personal data and how we keep it secure. Perimeter Controls Ltd is committed to ensuring any data we collect is protected. All of our business operations will ensure that use of data is only in accordance with this privacy statement.

Our privacy policy is updated annually, or sooner if required, to ensure compliance with legislation and for continual improvement in the way that we protect your data. This statement is effective from 14th May 2018 and takes into consideration the recent changes with regards to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which comes into force on 25th May 2018.

Who are we?
Perimeter Controls Limited is a UK Manufacturing company based in The Midlands. Perimeter Controls Ltd. operates within the perimeter security industry, manufacturing and developing perimeter security equipment to keep property and people safe and to provide traffic control solutions.
Perimeter Controls Ltd is registered to 102 Tettenhall Road, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton, England, WV6 0BW. Our company registration number is 13362747
We can be contacted on vincegreen at perimetercontrols dot com - replace 'at' with @ and 'dot' with .